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Starting Scenario Requests/Suggestions
Following on from no5 suggestion in this thread:
As well as some of my own suggestions in other threads in the past...
I thought it would be a good idea to start a combined thread on suggestions for starting scenarios.
Ive also started another thread on Goals/Objectives here, sparked by Frankschtaldt's idea in the second post.

When i talk about scenarios im talking about different options you can choose at the start of the game which vary:
-Your company, its skills, infrastructure and financial position.
-The world mostly through city statistics like fuel prices

This is mostly to create some kind of interesting flavour/variation or to create some extra challenge.
They can be things you'd like to see implemented or even scenarios which could be modded in .

I can start off by saying that im sure ive suggested before, perhaps as a mod, to have a scenario where the price of fuel across the world is really high, forcing you to make really fuel efficient vehicles.

Another one ive suggested before is starting off with different levels of skill in your R&D department.
So for example, you could be a really innovate engine design company that starts with access to 6/8 cylinder and V designs in 1900. Or you could have the same kind of advantage in Gearbox or Chassis design.

Another option would be to start off with a lot of marketing skill, perhaps your team spent the last 20 years in one of the largest (not-automotive related) companies in the world.

edit: Heres another one i posted later on:
- Mass production start (this one would suit me)
- Luxury start

These change the starting stats of your factory to be either high capacity low quality (mass production start) or low capacity high quality(luxury start).
in order to balance it i imagine you would start with marginally less money.
This would suit different play styles and different starting strategies in the game. At the moment your often left with having to demolish or resize the factories later for that purpose, but i imagine if you started the company with that aim, you could do it from the start.

Feel free to share some you think are interesting. They dont necessarily have to be practical, we are just brainstorming ideas here.

Messages In This Thread
Starting Scenario Requests/Suggestions - by Arakash - 03-31-2014, 08:57 PM

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