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there is a d missing in avoid [attachment=1504]
Looks like the text label is clipping. Are you using Windows?
(04-22-2023, 01:19 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like the text label is clipping. Are you using Windows?

yes i'm using windows.
was also not allowed to put it in borderless fullscreen
With respect to borderless windows, it only works in DirectX. If you're using OpenGL, it does not work.
(04-22-2023, 01:26 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]With respect to borderless windows, it only works in DirectX. If you're using OpenGL, it does not work.

I am using directX 9
(04-22-2023, 01:26 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]With respect to borderless windows, it only works in DirectX. If you're using OpenGL, it does not work.

OpenGl does not work very well on AMD i have found. was only getting 2-3 fps when it was set as that
I'll check it out when I switch to Windows. But in reality, with APIs this old, it's your mileage may vary situation. We need these bounties before I can approach anywhere near guaranteeing settings will work on any modern machines:

That said, I exclusively use AMD and almost always use OpenGL. So you might have a driver-related issue. Anyway, I'll let you know if borderless works for me when I boot back into Windows after I finish PR/Paperwork.
alright just wanted to let you know. 

Yeah the opengl seems to work for me now dunno might be a driver the problem was a few months ago.
Fixed the original issue.
So there was a d missing? biggrin
No, it was clipping. I shifted the text to be left aligned instead of centered, since the GUI library does not doing multi-line centering well. I also added 10px of width.

It will be uploaded shortly (10-15m), it may require you restart Steam to download.
I can confirm that the button for Borderless Window is not working in the game. However, if you use the external video settings editor, it will work.

I'll make a note to fix this for the v2.0.0.9 if it is duplicatable in GearCity Classic, else I will push it during one of the other FBS hotfixes.
thanks for looking into it.