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[$300] #55 | Spin-off Regional Restrictions
Price: $300

Description: Some players want to restrict where their spun-off marques can operate. This bounty expands the spin-off system so players can set where the spun-off company operates.

We will do this by displaying Premade and Custom districts in two dropdown boxes and a list of districts the company can operate in. The player can assign the districts to the list. The Spun-off company will only be able to open branches and factories in the cities of those districts. If the list is empty, they can operate globally.

This setting only works if you own 50%+1 of the company. Otherwise, they will be able to do what they want.

Requirements: None

Required By: None

Concerns: This feature will probably require an additional database table (using the same as the other Spin-off restriction system). We'll need to store what cities the AI is allowed to operate.

Eric's Opinion: Some folks are picky about what they want their AI-controlled marques to do. These folks occasionally request features similar to this one. I see no problem with this feature and can see why some people would want it in some RP situations.

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good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
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[$300] #55 | Spin-off Regional Restrictions - by Eric.B - 03-19-2022, 11:43 AM

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