This is a tiny one indeed. The seam around the Continue-button in the welcome message is a bit glitchy in four places. When you hover over the button it looks fine. I'm running windowed at 1680 x 1050 resolution.
This is not something that bothers me at all, however as this is early access and you'll always find players being critical of every little detail, and I thought I should mention this since this might be the very first thing a new player notices when they start the game for the first time. It's just a small thing you can fix if you wish to give the game a microscopically more polished look.
If you decide to not do anything about this, I'm perfectly fine with that.
This is not something that bothers me at all, however as this is early access and you'll always find players being critical of every little detail, and I thought I should mention this since this might be the very first thing a new player notices when they start the game for the first time. It's just a small thing you can fix if you wish to give the game a microscopically more polished look.
If you decide to not do anything about this, I'm perfectly fine with that.