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GearCity: 2nd Gear v2.4.0.0
After 3 months of work, GearCity: 2nd Gear v2.4.0.0 is complete! It is now available to all FBS contributors. If you wish to continue your v2.3.0.x save game, please switch to the other branch or use the offline installer on top of the base game. Visit the sticky password thread on FBS forums for details.

I'll be working on AeroMogul until the community funds Milestone #5. After that, I will temporarily pause FBS fundraising during Milestone #5 and a few additional months to devote more time to AeroMogul.

There are 4 major changes to the game. I'll cover a few of them here:

1) The RnD Components Modification window has been merged into the View window. Use the RnD View window to access these features. (Including for vehicles, although the Vehicle Modification Window was not merged in this change.)

2): Engine Heights.

Engines now have a height spec.

Chassis now have a maximum supported engine height.

The Engine Height must be smaller than the Chassis' Maximum Supported Engine Height for the designs to work together.

3) Research teams have been redesigned to show individual components. I also added an individual sub-component skill system.


4) We redesigned the factory system.

You can use the old factory system under the new game settings, Options 1:

You now must assign a maximum number of units a factory can produce. Changes to this value will require a retooling time and price.

While the factory is retooling, no vehicles are produced on this line.

Let's say you make a new car design and tool the line to a maximum of 100 units. Then you set the production to 50 units. You sell all 50 units you produce and have 20 missing sales. You can increase production to 70 units with no additional costs or time. Let's say you open a new branch. Now your demand is 130 units. You can only increase production to 100 units. Any more than this and you will have to retool the production lines. You retool the production lines to hand 150 units. It takes 4 months and costs a few thousand dollars. During those 4 months, you will produce 0 vehicles from this line. After the 4 months, you can produce up to 150 units.

To aid players in adjusting production levels, an Auto Adjust system has been implemented in place of the old Auto Production system.


This system can not change the maximum production amount. It also can't look ahead and know exactly how many units you need. What it does is add previous demand with missing sales to come up with the number of units it needs to produce. So, some months it may overproduce, and some months it may underproduce. The AI is using this exact system to manage its production.

The District Factory system is disabled on the world map with the new production system. (Specifically because of designing new factories.) However, district factory management does work in the MegaMenu.

I think that covers most of the major changes in Milestone #4! Enjoy!
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski

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