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[WONT]Car Designer
Give people a customizable interior suck as color options, material options, # of seats...
Welcome to the boards!

Unfortunately due to limited resources we are not able to do interior renderings or designs. This is a feature that I personally really wanted as well but we just don't have the personnel to do it right.

It will be a feature in Gear City 2! Assuming we are able to make enough off of Gear City 1 to fund a proper sequel.

As of right now our interior designing consist of various sliders to represent goals engineers would attempt to achieve when in the creation process.

The sliders for interiors include:
Stylistic, Innovation, Luxury, Comfort, Safety, and Technological.

There are also quality sliders for materials, workmanship , components, testing focus, and many other things which play key roles in creation of interiors in the game.

Color options for the interior would be consider "Luxury" the more focus you put into "Luxury" the easier it will be to persuade that target demographic to buy your car.

The number of seats are defined in the type of vehicle you are making. You have options such as "Roadster" which would have 2 seats or a "Roadster 2+2" which would be a 4 seat roadster. (These values are modifiable outside the game as well.)

Thank you for the suggestions! Hope to hear more from you.

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