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[FIXED]Show what you buy
When buying contract parts, all you see is a sort of classification and the price. Would it be possible to show some specs of the part you're buying, so you're sure you can use it? (For instance, buying a V12 engine when you only got small chassis is a bit of waste). Will it also be possible to indicate if your parts may be bought by other companies, and how many you want for them?
I plan on integrating most of the information from View-Component's into the contracting so you can see all the data...

Not sure if this will be done in time for 1.10, but certainly by the time 1.12 comes out.
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
This has been included in 1.11, marking thread as fixed!
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski

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