Visual Entertainment and Technologies Forum

Full Version: [$2000] #301 | Embed Widgets Into Multi-column Lists | Requires: #300
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Price: $2000

Description: A cool feature of multicolumn lists is the ability to add other widgets, like buttons, into a column. Picture this. You load up the branch distribution window. The list features a text box with the price, a small button, the name of the vehicle, and other information.

Instead of having to click the vehicle and then using another panel to change the price, you only have to click the textbox in the row, enter the price, and click the small button.

That's just a small example of being able to add widgets inside the list boxes.

This bounty only adds the feature to the game engine. It doesn't convert existing lists.

Requirements: #300

Required By: None

Concerns: I am not entirely sure I can do this bounty. It has a very high risk of failure. Per the FBS rules, upon failing, I will return the bounty fee to the milestone funds. However, I can't return voting points to user accounts.

This bounty only adds the feature to the game engine. We'll need to fund moving parts of the GUI into the lists with other bounties.

Eric's Opinion: This bounty gives me the tools needed to add widgets to lists. That would give me what I need to make major improvements to the UI should we fund individual or full redesign efforts.

Links:  It doesn't happen unless you contribute!