Visual Entertainment and Technologies Forum

Full Version: [$3000] #232 | Scenario Editor | Requires: #231
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Price: $3000

Description: This bounty creates a scenario editor that will allow you to set up new scenario situations. The editor will allow you to change the starting data for companies and cities, add vehicle designs, etc.

In short, modders will use this tool to edit the SQLite .db files without knowing SQL syntax. The tool will also include the parts needed to create the scenario.xml files that house the scenario goals, descriptions, etc.

Requirements: #231

Required By: None

Concerns: How much should we expose to the tooling is always a question. If we expose too much stuff, they become difficult to use, as the mod tool system is generally too hard for many modders to use. A lot of editing can be done by hand if the modder knows the syntax.

Eric's Opinion: Giving the players a way to add more scenarios is a great way to expand the game content. If we add a scenario system, we should fund this bounty too. I am probably not charging enough for this bounty.

Links: It doesn't happen unless you contribute!