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I'm not exactly sure if this is a bug or if it will be worked out after finances/stocks are redone, so I am going to put it here. This is on the latest testing build 1.19.2. I have bought a couple of rivals around 1912 in the game.
1 company had designed about 15 different car models but did not have a factory or branches to sell cars.
2 companies had branches and factories, but did not have any car models to sell.
None of the 3 companies were making a profit, and none were "new competition" (i.e, they had existed for a number of years before I purchased them).
I just found it odd that all three companies I bought were not actually selling cars.
For the first company did you check their branches/factories before buying them? Any branches or factories in cities which you already have branches or factories are sold off.

The second one I have not come across. And it should not be possible, unless the companies are practically bankrupt.

Is this with your mod or with default game files? Starting funds have been drastically changed for AI since 1.19.

Save games would be helpful for me to look into.
This happened to me too while playing the MRW Mod.
Redoing the stock system, I did notice 2 or 3 companies doing this. So I will look into it right after i polish the stock valuations.
Found the bug and fixed it.

When AI go bankrupt, they have a few percent chance of emerging out of bankruptcy. In the past we deleted nearly everything and just gave them a boat load of money. In 1.19.2 they still got everything deleted, but only received a tiny amount of money.

I've kept the tiny amounts of money, but allowed them to keep their branches/factories.

This will be included in the upcoming 1.19.3 patch.