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I have a couple of questions regarding the companies:
1. Is there a maximum number of companies that can be added?
2. What effect does changing the assets have on the company? It appears that all of the default companies have assets set to 50000.
3. What effect does the design engine, chassis, etc. have? In the default they are all set to 10. I am assuming that these are the starting points for technology. Are these weighted based on the company start year?
I think that is all I have for now.
Thanks in advance to anyone that can help/explain.
(08-13-2015, 04:29 PM)Holgin Wrote: [ -> ]1. Is there a maximum number of companies that can be added?
18,446,744,073,709,551,615 is the limit. Although I don't think turn times would be any good.
(My goal is to optimize for around 700 AI.)

Quote:2. What effect does changing the assets have on the company? It appears that all of the default companies have assets set to 50000.
Assets are currently hard coded. This will be fixed when I rewrite financing and stocks in 1.20.

Quote:3. What effect does the design engine, chassis, etc. have? In the default they are all set to 10. I am assuming that these are the starting points for technology. Are these weighted based on the company start year?
These are the starting skill points companies have for new technologies. (Exact same system for the players.) They're all 10 because I haven't gone through and changed them yet.
They are not weighted for starting year.

The variables in the AI files are finalized. As in I won't be adding more of them. Some however are not implemented (Such as assets.) As you can tell not all the data is fleshed out and I'm missing about 400 companies. I'm mainly waiting to work on the mod tool before I continue on the AI files. Mod tools should speed up entry quite a bit, as well give me something to test the mod tools with! Smile Improvements to turn times and AI thinking are also prioritized above more data.

Anyhoo, feel free to ask any more questions. I'm looking forward to your mod! Smile
I've got about 800 companies so far and wanted to make sure I didn't run into a problem at some point.
I will post the mod when/if I ever get it complete. I'm sure once the mod tool is made things will be easier and go much quicker