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Full Version: [CANT]Can't start GearCity with Windows XP
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I just installed the new beta version (1.11) at my old Windows XP Laptop.

The installation worked but I can't start the game. After clicking the gear city icon, I get the Windows massage that a problem has occured with gearcity.exe and it has to be closed.

Just had a look, GearCity should work with my system, but it doesn't!. Any ideas, how to get rid of the problem?.

Last line of the logfile:

13:53:59: OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Error creating texture: Out of video memory in D3D9Texture::_createNormTex at ..\..\..\ogre\RenderSystems\Direct3D9\src\OgreD3D9Texture.cpp (line 1109)
If you could upload the log, I can probably tell you why it didn't work.

Go to start->All programs->GearCity Open Beta-> GearCity Data Folder

The log file is named logfile.log

Also did you install the other files included, such as openAL and visual studios 2005 redistribution files?
(01-13-2014, 08:14 AM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]If you could upload the log, I can probably tell you why it didn't work.

Go to start->All programs->GearCity Open Beta-> GearCity Data Folder

The log file is named logfile.log

Also did you install the other files included, such as openAL and visual studios 2005 redistribution files?

Thanks for your answer. I did install the other files.
How much video ram does this machine have?

Only one thing I could think of trying would be to see if you have an adjustable amount of video ram for your video card.

If so give it some more vram.

If not then go to the same folder as the log file, go into the video settings (or settings) folder, and adjust the video settings to a smaller resolution. 1024x768 for example. This will probably not work, but it's worth a shot.
(01-13-2014, 11:36 AM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]How much video ram does this machine have?

Only one thing I could think of trying would be to see if you have an adjustable amount of video ram for your video card.

If so give it some more vram.

If not then go to the same folder as the log file, go into the video settings (or settings) folder, and adjust the video settings to a smaller resolution. 1024x768 for example. This will probably not work, but it's worth a shot.

Thanks for your help! My XP-Laptop is quiet old and has obviously too less vram. As I sometimes have to travel by train, I thought that I could use this old laptop to spend some time with GearCity during I am travelling. I will fin another solution!