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"View Prototype Panel Glitches"

Not sure if this is a bug but:
The cargo ratings not even close to the finished product. I noticed when I've been trying to design for a contract, that the cargo size you get for a vehicle is grossly underestimated.

When you make a really small chassis and it predicts a cargo limit of 5 ft^3 it's actually 20~ for a sedan, 30~ for a truck. This makes it hard to design an adequate chassis for contracts.

When picking an engine only 1 or 2 show up, 3 maximum .
I often make 2 or 3 sets of blue prints to compare stat wise, when I predict a model. As I don't always know which engine will better a V, Flat... etc. They all have different sizes and different part requirements etc. So I try to make sets to compare. When I do so, and I make more than 3 engines, not all of them show up. Usually it's only 2nd, 3rd and 4th engine I've made. Not the 1st (which I made for the race car) or the 5th which I made to test out.

This bug is new to 1.20.1, it's not game breaking at but...
When I first click on the select engine it'll say "I don't have an engine that fits the chassis" despite it being a generic chasis. This problem seems to fix itself when you click on the "View Prototype button".

This concludes all of the View Protoptype glitches I've noticed.

Messages In This Thread
"View Prototype Panel Glitches" - by Unavailableartist - 08-02-2016, 11:56 AM
RE: "View Prototype Panel Glitches" - by Eric.B - 08-03-2016, 04:19 PM
RE: "View Prototype Panel Glitches" - by Eric.B - 08-05-2016, 03:22 PM

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