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[FIXED]Viewing Factories, Cost vs revenue, etc
If you need shipping costs data let me know. One of my buddies is in the shipping business and can get real world data for you. Of course modern costs... you can then extrapolate or back into earlier costs.

So in #2 above, the game really should not let me sell in New York if I am in Buenos Aires, but it does. I just don't know (will check out your suggestions) the costs.

Also, I am sure limited shipping was available before WW2 from non-local plants to some extent. You could "ship" via rail to South American from North America and back and forth. Same from Europe - Asia - Africa. There was some limited overseas shipping... my family had cars made in USA but shipped where they lived overseas.

Also, taking the idea further. Buenos Aires builds 100 cars, but sells 20. New York sells out at 1000 units and my Boston factory cannot keep up. I understand that it will "pull" the excess 80 from Buenos Aires, even at a loss to meet demand. BUT what if New York was making a bigger profit? Can the demand/profit actually tell the AI, screw the locals, send everything to New York?

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RE: Viewing Factories, Cost vs revenue, etc - by geozero - 01-11-2014, 12:15 PM

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