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Global Production-Local Production
What your proposing is no different than what I am, except for the fact I'm not going to calculate how many vehicles at other factories supply. I will just be showing missed sales for the selected factory based on the shipping range.

This is because branches may not overlap all your factories, thus giving you misleading information. Because the Factory A might need 1000 units, Factory B might need 1250 units, but only 400 of those units are overlapping demand. You might end up pulling all the required vehicles from Factory B, and not Factory A because Factory B is closer to the branches and you have not set district locks. So then your Factory B isn't producing enough vehicles to fill demand that does not overlap with Factory A. Where as Factory A is now overproducing vehicles because Factory B is supplying all the vehicles due to proximity and user settings.

Now raise this to the power of 273 (the number of cities in the game) such a system would not scale up well. The information would be bad for many of the factories.

It is simpler, and more correct, to just display the number of vehicles needed to be produced within a factory's shipping radius. And let the user come up with how best to manage his production. Yes, you can still run into the above issue where one factory may require X amount and another requires Y. But if you're getting to the point of over complexity, it's probably time to switch to districting system, use auto-production system, or build your models only in a single factory (very common in real life, if you need multiple factories, spread them out)
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Messages In This Thread
Global Production-Local Production - by Thor446 - 12-01-2015, 01:30 AM
RE: Global Production-Local Production - by Eric.B - 12-01-2015, 01:49 PM

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