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Designing Engine - Summary Window Nerfs Bore/Stroke
When designing an engine, you can tweak some sliders and then open the Summary window. Just click "Apply" a couple of times, and observe how the sliders for bore and stroke go down slightly every click, along with the displacement number near the bottom of the screen (the displacement slider remains stationary.)

And as a related sidequestion, is it correct that the stroke/bore sliders max out at 75, unlike all other slider that max out at 100? If you drag the 3 displacement slider to zero, and then drag bore and stroke to max, the displacement slider is only at 50, and this represents the max displacement the engine can have. (Test by draging the displacement slider from 50 to max. You will se the displacement number fall a bit as you drag up to 51 and then increase back to the earlier max when you get it up to 100.)

I think there were some talk about this on the forum in july or something, but I cannot remember how that discussion ended.

P.S. These sliders and summary values are perhaps the ones I use the most in the game, so from a I-love-to-tweak-stuff-and-see-what-happens type of play style they are of the utmost importance.

Checking it out some more, I see that the 75 max on bore/stroke is for single cylinder engines. On V, straight and H it varies from 94 to 100, were I only saw 100 on 8 cylinder engines. Clicking "Apply" will reduce the displacement with every click on most configuration, but not when the engine has 8 cylinders and stroke/bore max = 100. I can of course only guess, but it might look like a multiplier might be a tad off.

There is a lower limit for when the Apply-bug stops lowering the bore/stroke sliders, and this varies along with the cylinder configuration.

-With a single cylinder eninge the stroke/bore will sink down to 2
-with a 2 cylinder straight engine they will sink to 7
-with a 4 cylinder V they sink to 32
-and with a V6 they sink down to 72

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Designing Engine - Summary Window Nerfs Bore/Stroke - by Tridon - 10-16-2014, 04:20 PM

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