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How much access to engine types should we have?
To start let me just say this, you should not assume to what I may or may not understand about the game, about cars in general or about car manufacturing. Have you ever heard of the PAC model of communication or how you apply filters to communication? And how everyone has their own filters from their own unique set of experiences.

So I was thinking you wanted to have a discussion at 'A' out of the PAC thing, And for a quick reference of my 'filters' I design stuff and when I design it there is a design review. I look at your post as a design review of engines. The way a design for me in the real world goes is I get some constraints at the start I need to interpret those into the design. When I have it at a place to review we have a review, now someone might say I don't like item A and then we need to explain that item A is linked to item C. They don't say well we don't want to talk about C we only want to talk about A.

Now how does that apply to your post? the only way in the game to access engines is research. So for you to say there can be no talk about research even though that it is the only way to access engines in the game makes no sense to me. Nothing productive would come from a normal meeting like that. Now if all you want is a poll where someone says good idea or bad idea then you should just have a poll, but again nothing productive would come from that.

You seem to take it personally if you are questioned on something, again since you presumed my position on stuff you must think I am attacking you or something from my lack of knowledge. When I design something I am held accountable for every item in that design for the entire lifespan of the item. If it has 50 items I need to explain why I used each of those 50 items and why each attribute of those 50 items is the way it is.

So when I ask why to something it is not an attack or it is not my lack of understanding what is in the game it is a question as to why you want it that way.

I will address the rest of the stuff you posted later.

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RE: How much access to engine types should we have? - by RatAttack - 06-06-2014, 11:27 AM

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