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GearCity 1.17 Progress
Hello again everyone,

We're now in the 1.16 series and sailing to 1.17!
Like the last build, 1.17 will have three major focus points.
1) Setting up the translation system,
2) Government/Fleet contracting,
3) Magazine redesign.

The stuff to get translations to work will be a major pain in the beard. There might not be much "visible" progress while I work on this system, since it's mostly internal stuff. I'll try to keep you guys posted on the progress, but it might sound a bit dry, and filled with technical terms.

As always:

+ means it has been added to the latest default branch.
- means it has not been added to latest default branch.

1.17 Changelog:
+Customized font loading from localization file.
+Font resizing.
+Unicode output.
+Unicode input.
+Python Style String Formatting in Localization System.
+Fixed text comparison issues.
+Fixed double quote error in random events.
+Made memo stack glow on some random events.
+Components.xml file translatable in Localization file.
+Fixed Loan Overflow bug
+Tweaked DB indexing (Speeding up turn times on longer games slightly)
+Fixed AI assigning incorrect vehicle types in racing series.
+Fixed music looping bug.
+Fixed AI Racing engine size bug
+Fixed Crash in tutorial system
+Moved Axles lower on the accessories chart.
+Fixed rounding error in RnD view.
+Fixed a number of clipping issues with large font GUI
+Ported 1.16.1 to Linux, created a depot, will upload the game tonight!
+Fixed Marketing Report bug
+Fixed Factory Resize Information/Blocker
+Fixed Crash with Text Inputs
+Contracting DB entries
+Contracting Bid GUI
+War Time Military Contract Requests
+Peace Time Military Contracting Requests
+Civilian Fleet/Component Contracting Requests
+Finished Contracting GUI (Phone menu)
+Contracting Filtering
+Added details to Contracting Selection screen
+Switched fonts to DejaVu (Which is also cross language as well!)
+Fixed bug in config files which has been causing recent crashes for people who haven't played in a while.
+Player bid submission
+AI bid submission
+AI granting bid contract
+Fixed a button texture wrap bug
+Possible crash fixes to low end intel video cards due to GUI textures.
+Automated Contract Shipping for players and AI.
+Breach of contract penalties.
+Revenues generated from contract sales.
+Reorganized Revenue and Expense panels in salesbook
+"Revenues Generated by Contracts" list information in Revenues Panel.
+Contracts panel in sales book now displays current contracts you have and information about them.
+Military Contracts production enabled during war
+Contracting Nanny Messages and Memos
+Fixed AI cargo spec bug
+Fixed textbox overlap bugs
+Fixed research time rounding bug
+Added Scroll Bar to memos
+Factories automatically idle when when their host countries go to war. The exception is factories in your HQ country.
+You can no longer assign or adjust production in factories outside your HQ country during war.
+Updated video setting changer program (was causing crashes because it was lacking new features)
+Table of Contents page for magazine
+Fixed division by zero crash in contracting sales book
+Fixed contracts that require less than 1 unit per month
+Fixed Vertical Line spacing issue for mono fonts in Linux
+Fixed civilian fleet contracting engine size bug.
+Linux Build now has Sound/Music!
+Editor's Message in magazine
+Some Magazine advertisements.
+New vehicle translation system
+Integrated reviews into localization file
+New vehicle review magazine gui.
+Class Challenge Magazine article.
+Fixed WW2 Germany bug again.
+New Model Comparison Magazine article.
+Finished Marque Catalog Tool
+Fixed Manual hiring of researching projects when Research teams are not activated.
+Fixed Language loading in LINUX
+Fixed Load Game Timestamps in LINUX
+Fixed loading premade vehicles in LINUX
+Added more vehicle reviews
+Finished redesign of AI News.
+Automotive Superlatives article in magazine.
+Fixed Mouse Lag Bug
+Fixed Soviet Minsk bug.
+Year End Car Awards.
+Mouse Glow Compositor toggle in settings.
+Non-Compositor mouse over objects, (For when compositors are turned off)
+Fixed San Marino war bug
+Fixed Passenger reduction bug
+Adjusted retooling cost to fit the new lengthen time periods between retooling.
+Added page turning/table of contents buttons to Magazine
+Adjusted some gui widths for russian text
+1.16.3 Russian language file added. (83% translated, some text too long.)
+Fixed Reflective Shaders in LINUX
+Fixed Vehicle Type Duplication bug in Assisted Designers
+Put a maximum bid amount the AI is willing to pay for contracts.
+Split the main tutorial into multiple parts in the Main Menu and Select HQ map.
+City infrastructure effects civilian contract likelihood.
+Lobbying effects chances of winning military contract bid.
+Increased Bid length by a minimum of 6 months up to a maximum increase of 9 months.
+New contracting memo now specifically shows contracts you can bid on. And contracts you can not bid on.
+Fixed memo scrolling cut off.
+Added per month values to number of units needed in contracts
+Fixed AI/Player cargo volume measurements for Liters
+Fixed cargo volume requirements for contract requests
+Added Metric and SAE units for cargo volume in the contract request.
+RnD Contracts have been renamed to Licenses
+Fleet Contracts can now be viewed in RnD Department
+Fixed list selection crash on model comparison in the Magazine.
+60 Engine Applications for Contracting.
+Engine Application effects Contracting Requirements.
+Removed Layout from Contracted Engine Requirements.
+Fixed possible endless loop condition with AI designing GearBoxes.
+Added Human Resources Tutorial
+Added Lobbying Tutorial
+Finished this round of balancing to the contracts (may have to do a little more work to the components.xml file)
+Increased mouse sensitivity (Should improve gameplay on laptops)
+Replaced all the hitboxes with properly fitting hit boxes.
+Fixed a number of minor sqlite exceptions.
+Fixed window open highlighting bug in Office
+Fixed Class Challenge using wrong vehicles.
+Fixed Class Challenge disappearing vehicles in results.
+Class Challenge columns automatically adjust height
+Replaced all acceleration 0's with "Too Slow" or "Not Applicable"
+All player vehicles in distribution now display in reviews"
+Increased Cargo Modification results for vehicle types. (Thus increasing cargo values for vehicles)
+Fixed bug in contracted engine weight.
+Display vehicle types in magazine
+Fixed bug in reviews allowing for your car to be compared to your car
+Fixed bug in year end awards that always sent you South American Memo.
+Fixed negative engine reliability bug.
+Fixed bug in tutorial allowing you to continue producing a vehicle without components being completed.
+Fixed Full Sized Van's Cargo ratings
+Reduced Fleet Contract's Cargo requirements by 20%
+Fixed scroll on Magazine Review's vehicle selection
+Fixed dramatic stock price increase bug.
+Reduced cash's effect on stock evaluation.
+Increased profit margin's effect on stock evaluation.
+Finished Factory MegaMenu system.
+Finished Branch Mega Menu system.
+City Info Mega Menu
+All Forms of Marketing Selection in Mega Menu.
+All forms, Apply to All Mega Menu
+Cloned Marketing Mega Menu
+Distribution and Factory production Information side panels
+Cleaned up bugs in Autotools
+Fixed factory starting health
+Recompressed paint textures in dds format.
+Fixed Repeat Music Bug outside of the office.
+Decrease Transparent Texture (Allows for label scrolling)
+Added GearCity Version to Log Files
-Fixed absolute values bug in Linux build
-Fixed list repeating bug when deleting a save game in Linux.
-Fixed buffer overflows
-Fixed Memory Leak in Car Designers
-Clone Branch now can delete vehicles
-Implemented a hard frame limiter for video cards that can't handle vsync. Game should run between 30-35fps. (Yes I know 30 is hated, but ask your self, do slider slide prettier at 60 fps?)
-Fixed GearCity Monthly Memo Bug again (For good this time)
-Fixed Sofia wrong country bug.
-Added model years to 3 or 4 premade reports.
-Action Memo System
-Recall Action
-Defective Vehicles Class Action Lawsuit
-Going Bankrupt Action Memo
-At War Action Memo.
-Disabled old recall system
-Multiple Actions per turn.
-Engine Contract Factory Assignment.
-22 New car models
-Hardware Accelerated Mouse
-Game Loading Bug (LINUX)
-Fixed Incorrect units (inches instead of mm) in the Magazine.
-Reduced Cargo Requirements for contracts more.
-Mega Menu arrows now cycle through factory or branches depending on which you have open.
-Fixed Linux mouse bug when running in window mode at the same resolution as your desktop.
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
So I didn't get to do any work until tonight due to some family obligations. (I really need to move far away, anyone have any recommendations?)

In any case, tonight I:
-Customized font loading from localization file. (Means you can swap out fonts in the game.)
-Font resizing. (Means you can adjust how much bigger or smaller from the base size the fonts are.)
-Unicode output. (Was able to get Cyrillic working in the GUI, next I will work on input and test interaction with our DB)
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
(09-29-2014, 12:18 AM)Eric.B Wrote: So I didn't get to do any work until tonight due to some family obligations. (I really need to move far away, anyone have any recommendations?)

(09-29-2014, 02:18 AM)Frankschtaldt Wrote:
(09-29-2014, 12:18 AM)Eric.B Wrote: So I didn't get to do any work until tonight due to some family obligations. (I really need to move far away, anyone have any recommendations?)


Considering GC is still in the red, Australia is a bit out of my price range. I could probably ship my stuff there, rent a storage unit for about 6 months, and sleep on park benches! Wink
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
It was very tedious, but I finally finished unicode output. The entire GUI can now display unicode characters.

I also finished unicode input. All input places will accept unicode characters.

You have to have the language settings set to your specific language for the unicode to work properly. As the language files will load the correct fonts for your output/input.

I created a "Font Size" slider in the settings, allowing you to adjust font size for those of you who have a hard time reading the text!

I'll now go through and add format specifiers to the text in the localization files. This will allow translators to make translations that are grammatically correct. I'll also move components and other about fluff to the localization files as well. After that is completed, I'll set up the community translation tools. And then 1/3rd of 1.17 will be complete. I'll start working on suggestions/features/and bugs again! Smile
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
-Implemented a python-style string formatter.
-Finished formating all the text in the game for proper translation.
-Fixed a few minor text bugs.
-Fixed double quote error in random events.
-Made some random events to cause memo stack to glow.

I've got 1 last bit to do with game data for translation. (Moving the text in components.xml to the localization file.) Then I will work on the web interface. I'll finish up the week with small bugs/suggestions. 1.16.1 will be Friday! Smile
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
(10-05-2014, 02:09 AM)Eric.B Wrote: 1.16.1 will be Friday! Smile

I finished the move to the new translation system for the components.xml file. It was a little more work than I had anticipated. We needed a method to have both the text translatable as well a way for users to make mods without having to edit the localization files. While my solution isn't perfect, it works! Wink

Also knocked out two bugs this morning, and did some tweaks to our DB indexing to speed up turn times a little bit on longer games.

1.16.1 will be out Friday, I'll also be updating stable and legacy branches. Until Friday, I'll be focusing on mainly bug fixes, setting up our web translator, and uploading the Linux build to steam. So hopefully we can fill up the change log by then! Smile

-Components.xml file translatable in Localization file.
-Fixed Loan Overflow bug
-Tweaked DB indexing (Speeding up turn times on longer games slightly)
-Fixed AI assigning incorrect vehicle types in racing series.
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
Didn't get too much done today, spent a lot of the day sorting through forum posts. One of these days I'll get organized again. Too much on my plate I guess...

-Fixed music looping bug.
-Fixed AI Racing engine size bug
-Fixed Crash in tutorial system
-Moved Axles lower on the accessories chart.

Currently I'm going through the game fixing font overflows (since we can now resize the font and I didn't design the GUI to do so...) I'm going to try to get as much of it fixed as possible. Nip as many issues in the bud with it as possible. Hopefully this can also serve as my play through for 1.16.1
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
Spent most of yesterday and this morning fixing clipping issues with the larger font sizes. I got most of it done, certainly enough for you to play the game with larger font sizes. I'll keep my personal font settings high and catch/fix the clips when I come across them.

I removed the "Advice" column in the Advanced Designer. This is set to be replaced in 1.18 with a much better, more detailed, system.

Other than that, the only other thing I did was fix was a rounding error in the "View RnD panel" When you had an issue with research sometimes you would have a fractional amount of time left in researching. Due to rounding of integers it would show the component as "Finished" in the view panel even though it had 1 more turn till completion.

-Fixed rounding error in view RnD.

I am in the process of doing an optimized build. I will test it out, upload it, test it again on steam and then it goes live! Assuming no major issues, 1.16.1 should be out in about 2 hours.
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
1.16.1 has been released.

Tonight I'm going to mess with po files (for translations.)
Tomorrow I'll do a full playthrough of the game, finish fixing up clipping issues I find with larger fonts and update/upload the Linux build to Steam. Sunday/Monday I will play test the Linux build from Steam. Tuesday I start working on the contracting system! Smile
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
I've been feeling under the weather the last few days. (I shouldn't of opened a branch in Liberia!) So I'm about a day behind as I spent most of yesterday asleep...

-Fixed a number of clipping issues with large font GUI
-Ported 1.16.1 to Linux, created a depot, will upload the game tonight!
-Fixed Marketing Report bug
-Fixed Factory Resize Information/Blocker

For the rest of the day I'll fiddle around with minor bugs and GUI clipping issues in Linux. Tonight when I get into my Office I can upload the Linux build to steam. Perhaps even get our OpenBeta into Steam Demos...

I'm still on schedule to start Contracting code Tuesday! Smile
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
We have started contracting code!

This has been broken down into multiple stages:
1) Create Basic GUI Framework for Request/Bidding
2) Create DB backend for requests/bids/implements
2a) Components.xml restriction for vehicle types
3) Create Military contract requests.
3a) War Time Vehicle/Engine
3b) Non-war Time
4) Create civilian contract requests.
5) View Requests
6) Submit Bid
7) AI Submit Bid
8) Contract selection
9) Process request time limits/failure penalties etc
10) View Contract's data in sales book.

As of right now we're halfway done with 3a, Wartime Contracting. When your country goes to war, it will seek out more than normal contracts for military equipment. These contracts are restricted to the nation requesting goods.

Available vehicle types for military, fleets, and civilians are now marked in the components.xml file. This will allow modders to add in things like tanks for militaries, but prevent their sale to civilians and visa versa (Doubt the Army would want a fleet of microcars!)

In other news, the Linux build has been uploaded to Steam and so far, so good! I have to change the fonts as they don't play nicely. But other than that I think we're good for a Linux launch this month!

I've also knocked out a crashing bug caused by text input, fixed a few minor text errors when generating memos.

-Fixed Crash with Text Inputs
-Contracting DB entries
-Contracting Bid GUI
-War Time Military Contract Request
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
Ooooh, very exciting!
I'm assuming there'll only be vehicle contracting (for now?) and not component (engine) contracting?

Great progress anyway!
I believe the intention is there to be both.
Yeah, I believe Eric mentioned that at some point. Just curious if it would be implemented now or maybe come in at a later time. I'm not sure how that would work with the way production is currently handled as there is no way to produce engines by themselves (only developing them and "selecting" them like with certain racing series would be a bit boring IMO and not represent wartime production conditions properly). There would have to be a new mechanic for that. Not sure if that's on Eric's agenda.
This sounds bloody cool biggrin
(10-15-2014, 11:15 PM)freeman2344 Wrote: I'm assuming there'll only be vehicle contracting (for now?) and not component (engine) contracting?

Great progress anyway!

Nope, there is both vehicles (Defined by flags in components.xml) and engines.

Right now I'm supporting aero engines, tanks engines, and naval engines. All of which have different design characteristics. Airplane engines for example tend to be very large, but also very light for their size. This reduces HP output as well...

(10-16-2014, 02:46 AM)freeman2344 Wrote: Yeah, I believe Eric mentioned that at some point. Just curious if it would be implemented now or maybe come in at a later time. I'm not sure how that would work with the way production is currently handled as there is no way to produce engines by themselves (only developing them and "selecting" them like with certain racing series would be a bit boring IMO and not represent wartime production conditions properly). There would have to be a new mechanic for that. Not sure if that's on Eric's agenda.
You won't actually be producing the engines, so nothing changes in that respect. It's mainly focused on developing for the contract then submitting a bid. Hopefully I can generate enough requests to keep the user engaged. Wink

If I were to add engine production to the game, I would have to add it to all the game. As well as chassis and gearboxes. In the early days (around 0.33) I experimented with this, and found it very cumbersome with our limited GUI lib. Maybe with the expansion (or very very much later) I can add it in as a advance toggle. Although I can see it being a pain in the ass to design and manage.

That being said, when I implement the action memos, if you do not have a vehicle contract, you will probably be given a design to produce. Much like Willys and Ford producing the Willys MB. And REO, Kaiser, AM General, Kia, and Bombardier building M35's...

Since we can now exclusively add military equipment in the components file, I think we can open the door to even complete single engine airplanes (Although airplanes will never be "official" because GUI would have to be redone), tank destroyers, tanks, deuce and a half, apcs, rocket trucks, etc! (Although things like armament would be disregarded.) Of course this is something we're not planning on doing unless we make an expansion. But the format is open for the modding community. Hopefully it'll be done before I get to it when I make the easy modding tools, mod loading, and mod sharing stuff! Smile

(10-16-2014, 05:31 AM)Tridon Wrote: This sounds bloody cool biggrin

Hopefully the end results meet that standard! Wink
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
I figured as much, Eric. Still sounds spectacular though!
Any release ETA?

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